High-resolution monitoring of tidal systems using UAV: A case study on poplar island, MD (USA)

Tidal processes regulating sediment accretion rates and vegetated platform erosion in tidal systems strongly affect salt marsh evolution. A balance between erosion and deposition in a restored salt marsh is crucial for analyzing restoration strategies to be adopted within a natural context. Marsh morphology is also coupled with tidal mudflats and channel networks and this…

The Baxter Easyhand: A robot hand that costs $150 US in parts

This paper introduces and characterizes the Bax-ter Easyhand, a new 3D printed hand derived from the Yale T42 hand [5], [10], but designed specifically to be mounted on the Baxter robot from Rethink robotics. Because this hand is designed specifically for Baxter, we are able to make some important simplifications in the design relative to…