I am excited to announce that on May 11th from 2- 5 pm, Food For The Flock will be hosting a Food Distribution in partnership with the Maryland Food Bank. The event will occur in Red Square, which is located In front of the library. We expect and hope this will be a large event but we will need your help!
On our volunteer website, which you can find by clicking the link below, I have posted three separate volunteer positions for May 11th that you are all welcome to sign up for. These shifts that I posted have three particular tasks that you will be responsible for doing.
- The first shift will be from 12: 30 pm – 2 pm and is responsible for helping unload the Maryland Food Bank truck and set up the items we received from them in Red Square.
- The second shift will be from 2 pm to 5 pm, during this the volunteers are responsible for helping Food For The Flock sign-in recipients and handing out the items we have.
- The third shift will; be from 4 pm to 6 pm, the volunteers are responsible for helping with the cleanup of the Food Distribution and making sure we can exit our event smoothly.
Thank you Seagulls for your support this past semester, and I hope to see you all on May 11th.