Annie Gao Carillon Concert

Annie Gao Carillon Concert

SALISBURY, MD—Salisbury University hosts the Brown and Church Summer Carillon Series of concerts on its Samuel R. Brown and William D. Church Carillon, at the Patricia R. Guerrieri Academic Commons, this summer.  Guest carillonneurs include Laura Ellis on Thursday, June 29; Annie Gao on Saturday, July 8; Doug Gefvert on Thursday, August 3; and Jesse…Continue Reading Annie Gao Carillon Concert

Faculty and Staff volunteers for Move In Day 8/24/23

We are requesting staff and faculty volunteers for fall move in day! Move in day this year is Thursday, August 24. Our goal is to help students and their families enjoy a pleasant welcome to our campus community.   Volunteers keep the day running smoothly by greeting families, directing traffic, answering questions, and even carrying items from the students’ cars to their rooms (although that last duty – carrying items…Continue Reading Faculty and Staff volunteers for Move In Day 8/24/23

Laura Ellis Carillon Concert

Laura Ellis

SALISBURY, MD—Salisbury University hosts the Brown and Church Summer Carillon Series of concerts on its Samuel R. Brown and William D. Church Carillon, at the Patricia R. Guerrieri Academic Commons, this summer.  Guest carillonneurs include Laura Ellis on Thursday, June 29; Annie Gao on Saturday, July 8; Doug Gefvert on Thursday, August 3; and Jesse…Continue Reading Laura Ellis Carillon Concert

Disability Resource Center Access Awards Announced

Disability Resource Center Awards

SALISBURY, MD—Salisbury University’s Disability Resource Center (DRC) recently honored 12 members of the campus community with its third annual Access Awards. Nominees have displayed outstanding support and advocacy for students with disabilities. Recipients were nominated by DRC-registered students.  Honors included: •    Outstanding Faculty Advocate Award – Drs. Jennifer Nyland and Rhyannon Bemis •    Outstanding Staff…Continue Reading Disability Resource Center Access Awards Announced

Interested in nonprofits?

Looking for a course that may enrich your professional profile? Consider enrolling in IDIS 350 -Nonprofit Leadership, to learn about the nonprofit sector and opportunities for networking. Registration opens July 5. This course is open to staff and tailored for those who would like to volunteer/work in a nonprofit or in a government agency in the future. Schedule for Fall 2023: Wednesdays 5:30-6:45 p.m.  What is…Continue Reading Interested in nonprofits?