Jessica Basom, a ShoreCorps 2013 alum and an operations and volunteer coordinator at the Mid Shore Community Mediation Center (MSCMC), proves that the ShoreCorps program is one of the most beneficial experiences to help you become successful in a career. Jessica was a part of the ShoreCorps program for four years, until she officially started working full time for the MSCMC.

ShoreCorps is an AmeriCorps program based at Salisbury University, but it is not limited to just SU students. People can contribute to their communities through ShoreCorps by building homes, teaching kids to read, fighting poverty, responding to disasters and many other activities that can make a difference. This program welcomes all people from the community to serve, and one of those people was Jessica. 

During her time in the program, Jessica served as a mediator at the MSCMC, specifically in their youth program. Their youth program involves mediators working with students, teachers and parents to reduce violence and resolve conflict by providing a peaceful, collaborative problem-solving process. The MSCMC has a partnership with Dorchester County Public Schools that offers students, staff and families mediation services in the school building, during school hours, for a variety of different situations. 

Today, Jessica has a full-time job as an operations and volunteer coordinator at the Mid MSCMC. She coordinates the office, finance and community mediation operations while also engaging new volunteers and retaining and mentoring their current volunteers. Jessica’s service through ShoreCorps has led her to the career she has now, allowed her to help her community and offered an experience that not many other people have. 

Jessica shared: “During my time with ShoreCorps, I was able to gain hands on experience and direct mentorship that prepared me for my current position.” She explained that it not only gave her the essential skills for her current position, but it also helped prepare her for future leadership roles. 

Jessica is a great example of the opportunities ShoreCorps provides. Like the AmeriCorps slogan says: “be a hero in your community and get things done,” which is exactly what Jessica did. 

To learn how you can take advantage of ShoreCorps and make a difference in your community, visit