Dear Students: 

Open enrollment season is upon us.  We want to bring to your attention if you have not seen the news, that the Fraud and Forensic Accounting Certificate Program at Perdue has been awarded a $2.6 million grant from the United States government.  As part of the grant, should you be interested in enrolling in the Fraud program’s experiential learning component (ACCT 498 and ACCT 499), you will be eligible to receive reimbursement for up to full tuition for your time in the fraud program, depending on the number of hours you agree to work on criminal investigations. 

As part of the optional experiential learning component program, you will be assigned to work on real financial crimes against elders in the Delmarva community, under the supervision of Mr. Weber, and other Maryland law enforcement officers. 

Do I have to be a Perdue School student to be eligible for the fraud program?

  • No! This certificate program is open to any major. Recently, we had a sociology major complete our certificate program so you would be correct in assuming that these are not your typical accounting courses. Click here to see a flyer that contains more information about the certificate program.

How can I be eligible for the fraud program? 

  • Complete the prerequisites to the fraud program: ACCT 201 (with a C or better), ACCT 202 (with a C or better), and ACCT 418.

How can I be eligible for the free tuition from the U.S. government? 

  • Enroll and complete the optional experiential learning portion of the fraud program (ACCT 498 – Fall semester and ACCT 499 – Spring Semester).

When can I enroll in the fraud program? 

  • The fraud program always begins in the fall semester (with ACCT 450 and ACCT 451) but you may add the certificate program in GullNet at any time. Attached are instructions for how to add the Fraud and Forensic Accounting Certificate Program in Gullnet.
    • Non-Accounting majors have three options:
      • Add the Fraud and Forensic Accounting Certificate 
      • Add Accounting Minor – Fraud Track
      • Add Accounting Minor – General Track and the Fraud and Forensic Accounting Certificate 

When should I take ACCT 418? 

  • ACCT 418 is offered each semester and there are open seats for the fall 2023 semester!

What if I have already successfully completed ACCT 418? When can I join the fraud program?

  • Students who have already taken ACCT 418 can begin the program in fall 2023. 

Please feel free to contact Abigail Ebron with any questions concerning enrollment in this very exciting opportunity.