Welcome new and returning Seagulls to campus!
I am Wyatt Parks, President of the Salisbury University Student Government Association (SGA), and I am reaching out to announce that applications to join SGA as a student senator are now open!
Being a senator is an incredibly rewarding opportunity that helps you find community on campus, builds your leadership skills and resume, and allows you to help SU become the best university it can be for all students. Within the senate, there are seven different committees you can join to help you focus on specific areas of SU. These committees are Academic Affairs, Campus Enhancement, Civic Engagement, Diversity and Inclusion, Marketing and Communications, Student Organizations, and Sustainability.
Additionally, there will be offerings for positions as an Associate Justice within our Judicial Branch and positions on the newly installed Ad Hoc Finance Board that is being introduced this semester! Both are great alternatives if you want to work outside of the Legislative Branch, but still within our SGA.
You can find the application to join by clicking here. The deadline to apply is September 6 at 5 p.m.
If you have any questions, you can email me at sgapres@gulls.salisbury.edu or our Speaker of the Senate, Riley Bozman, at sgaspkrsen@gulls.salisbury.edu. Thank you for your time and we look forward to reading your application!
Link to SGA applications: https://salisbury.campuslabs.com/engage/submitter/form/start/601678
Wyatt Parks
President, Student Government Association
Salisbury University | Guerrieri Student Union 130
1101 Camden Avenue | Salisbury, MD 21801
T: (410) 548-4757 | E: SGAPRES@gulls.salisbury.edu