Silk Road Graphic

Adventures in Ideas: The Silk Road

Sept 30, 2023
10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Conway 179
The age of the west is at a crossroads. Increasingly, it appears to be rebalancing towards the east. In the east, meanwhile, the Silk Road is rising again – networks and connections are quietly appearing across the spine of Asia. For millennia, the Silk Road facilitated the exchange of peoples, goods, religions, ideas, technologies, and pathogens between the Pacific Ocean and the Mediterranean. Is the world’s center of gravity shifting back to a region that once dominated the intellectual, cultural and economic landscape? Join us for the Adventures in Ideas Seminar to explore the rich history of the Silk Road and to contemplate together its future. Featuring Dr. Emin Lelic, associate professor of history, and Dr. Hong Yao, professor of economics and finance.

For information and to register:
Sponsored by the Fulton School of Liberal Arts and the Whaley Family Foundation, the series continues to explore important social, cultural or moral topics.
Tickets $30 or $50 for 2
Continental breakfast and lunch are included
To reserve tickets, email or call Jenna Habermeyer: or (410)677-5070