Trio Con Brio Copenhagen
Tuesday, October 17
Holloway Hall, Great Hall, 7 p.m.

Acknowledged as one of the finest piano triosin the world. The trio was born out of an idea of the coming together of “musical pairs” – of the two Korean-born sisters Soo-Kyung Hong (cello) and Soo-Jin Hong (violin) with Soo-Kyung and her husband, Danish pianist Jens Elvekjaer. Winning almost all of the major competitions for piano trio – including the ARD (Munich), Vittorio Gui (Florence), Trondheim Competition (Norway), KalichsteinLaredo-Robinson (U.S.), Allianz Prize (Germany) and the prestigious P2 Artists Prize (Denmark) – they are regularly heard at the world’s leading venues and concert series, including Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, Wigmore Hall, Berlin Pierre Boulez-Saal, Concertgebouw, Elphilharmonie Hamburg, Seoul Arts Center, Louvre Paris and of course their beloved “home venues,” the Royal Library and the Tivoli Concert Hall in Copenhagen.