Let Freedom Read on a colorful graphic logo resembling books.

Banned Books Week is a critical response to challenges against books and other forms of information. This work is even more urgent given the escalating challenges in recent years. 2022 recorded the highest number of book challenges since the American Library Association began collecting data in 1982, and book bans are on track to surpass that record in 2023. Banned Books Week is a celebration of access to all kinds of knowledge, but it is also a cultural movement fighting to ensure that our shared literary heritage remains vibrant, diverse, and unrestricted. Join the SU Libraries during the first week of October to champion intellectual freedom and Let Freedom Read.

Event Schedule October 2-6

All Week:
Banned Book displays in the GAC and CRC.
“Guess the Banned Book” game for a chance to win swag and a Kindle. Play on library social media or in-person at the GAC!

Mon & Tues Oct 2-3: Student and staff reflections on the freedom to read. Library social media.
Wed Oct 4: Civic Engagement, featuring statistics and information about local book challenges. Library social media.
Thurs Oct 5: Day of films based on banned books. 2nd floor of the cafe.
Fri Oct 6: Banned Books Keynote Speaker and Panelists event. View event information and registration on our Banned Books Week Guide. In the CRC.

Follow the SU Libraries on Instagram and Facebook for more info.