Salisbury University is seeking a student leader interested in representing the entire University System of Maryland student body. SU and the other University System of Maryland institutions are invited to nominate one exceptional candidate to become the next Student Regent.

The Student Regent is a two-year term and serves as the student voice on the University System of Maryland Board of Regents. Student Regents are nominated by the Chancellor and submitted to the Governor of Maryland for approval. All interested students should be planning to graduate in spring 2026 or later.

For a detailed description of the position’s responsibilities and requirements, please review the Student Regent Position Description.

The application for the Student Regent is accessible here and can be submitted by emailing or in person at the Student Affairs Office (GSU 212). The application deadline is Tuesday, November 7.

All questions about the Student Regent position and application should be made through SU’s Office of Student Affairs at or 410-543-6080.