Stay Healthy & Happy this holiday season!

The holiday season can bring joy and good times, but it can also bring stress and difficult situations. Holiday stress can come from visiting family, financial stressors, and unreasonable expectations both from yourself and others. A common saying is “you cannot pour from an empty cup,” which means that if you are not taking care of yourself, you cannot care as effectively for others or find joy as easily in your life. The Maryland Employee Benefits Division’s November Wellness Webinars will support your efforts to fill your cup so you can bring your best healthy self to the holiday season!

Mindful Mondays presents the Self Compassion Series. These 30-minute sessions will start with defining Self Compassion and move through Forgiveness and Embracing the Good.  And, just as we get in full holiday mode by month’s end, “Self-Appreciation” will allow you to fully enjoy the season!

Join the Mindful Mondays Webinars HERE

Monday, 11/6 11:00 am – 11:30 am: What is Self-Compassion?

Self-compassion is the ability to direct supporting thoughts within and accept oneself, as you do with a friend or loved one. As simple as it may be, many otherwise compassionate people have a harder time showing compassion to themselves. Learn more about self-compassion and participate in a meditation that strengthens your self-compassion.

Monday, 11/13 11:00 am – 11:30 am: Self-Compassion and Forgiveness

Forgiving others is often easier than forgiving ourselves. Learn how to forgive yourself and about the physical and emotional benefits of doing so. This is an integral component of self-compassion!

Monday, 11/20 11:00 am – 11:30 am: Embracing the Good

When good things happen, do you find yourself waiting for the bad to follow? Explore this common response and learn how to consciously embrace the good when it happens!

Monday, 11/27 11:00 am – 11:30 am: Self Appreciation

Negative self-talk can keep you from being your best self. One of the ways to counter this is through self-appreciation. Self-appreciation is seeing yourself exactly the way you are, valuing yourself for it, and showing yourself compassion and gratitude. Learn more in this enlightening and exciting session!

Enjoy and Happy Holidays!