A book with title "Developing Intercultural Competence in Higher Education"

Dear colleagues and grad students,

SU’s Teaching with International Students Faculty Learning Community invites faculty, staff, graduate students, and other interested members of our SU community, to a book discussion, on December 5th, at 3-4pm ET. We will be discussing chapters 3, 6, and 8 of the book “Developing Intercultural Competence in Higher Education: International Students’ Stories and Self-Reflection” by Lily Arasaratnam-Smith and Darla Deardorff. This book is based on reflections and stories of international students written by them to help us understand their experiences, and offers suggestions for faculty and staff at higher education institutions.

The e-book can be accessed for free through SU Libraries database through the following link: https://salisbury.on.worldcat.org/oclc/1340945934

This is a free event, and will be hosted on Zoom. No registration required. Please use the following link to attend our event. The link will require SU authentication. https://salisbury.zoom.us/j/95052964659

***One paperback copy of the book will be gifted to an attendee after a drawing at the end of the event.***

Please feel free to forward this announcement to your colleagues and grad students/TAs who may be interested in attending.

We hope to see you at our discussion!
