2024 Financial Planning Professionals Connect Event will be heldin person on campus from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM, March 8. This year’s theme is: Meet a Financial Planning Firm.

The tentative agenda is as follows: 

11: 30 PM – 12: 00 PM: Lunch (Pizza and beverages)

12: 00 PM – 12:20 PM Panel Discussion: Careers in Financial Planning

12: 20 PM – 1: 40 PM: Company presentations (each company is scheduled to have 15 minutes for this session including Q&A)

Companies that are scheduled to present:

  • Infocus Inc.
  • John G. Ullman & Associates, Inc
  • WEALTHSPIRE Advisors
  • CFS, Inc.Andersen Wealth Management.
  • Delta Financial Advisors, Inc.

1:40 PM – 2:30 PM: job interview (part time/ internship/full time)

This event will provide students with a great opportunity to get connected with financial professionals and firms. It also serves as a platform to learn from these experienced professionals about the financial planning industry through their own and company’s career stories. We also have a few firms offering interview opportunities (full-time and/or internship) at the end of the event.

To reserve a spot, please use this link to register. We will send out the information about the event and interview locations after the registration is finalized.