2024 Financial Planning Professionals Connect Event

2024 Financial Planning Professionals Connect Event will be heldin person on campus from 12:00 PM to 2:00 PM, March 8. This year’s theme is: Meet a Financial Planning Firm. The tentative agenda is as follows:  11: 30 PM – 12: 00 PM: Lunch (Pizza and beverages) 12: 00 PM – 12:20 PM Panel Discussion: Careers…

Allegheny Ensemble presents Dancing Madness

Allegheny Ensemble Dancing Madness

Wednesday, February 28Holloway Hall, Great Hall, 7:30pm The concert will feature music infused with dances including La Folia (Italian for madness), referring to the original dance that got faster and wilder along with the music that accompanied it. Musical guests from around the country – Julie Nishimura, piano, Amos Lawrence, violin, and Yuri Tomenko, viola…

GuidanceResources® Tools – February 2024

Dear Faculty and Staff, As the excitement of a new year continues to unfold, individuals still face a range of challenges, stress and uncertainty. Now, more than ever, we urge you to make the most of the resources, tools and support provided by your ComPsych Employee Assistance Program (EAP): Black History Month is such an…

SU’s Giving Day Info Session -Rescheduled date!

Learn how to raise funds on SU’s Giving Day – April 2! Join us to get your free Giving Day t-shirt and learn how to fundraise for your department, club, or special project. Student and alumni gifts will be matched up to $50 on Giving Day. Tuesday, February 20 11 – 11:30 a.m. Academic Commons…

Vice President of Student Affairs Open Office Hour with Students

Join Dr. Dane Foust, Vice President of Student Affairs, for his monthly open office hours. Students will have the opportunity to meet with Dr. Foust to discuss any issues or challenges they are facing, or ask questions about campus life. All SU students are encouraged to attend! Date: Thursday, February 15 Time: 3:00 – 4:00pm…

Apply for the Green Fund!

Apply for the Green Fund!  Supporting student sustainability projects on campus! Thanks to the student-led sustainability initiative to institute a sustainability fee, there currently is over $180,000 available for student projects in the spring semester. Spring ’24 Application Deadline: Thursday, March 14 For more information and to download the Green Fund application visit: www.salisbury.edu/greenfund or…

The Mini-Trashcan Program Before & After Results

In the Spring 2023, multiple waste audits were conducted to examine the effects of office deskside trashcans towards the campus recycling rate in Holloway Hall, Fulton Hall, TETC, Perdue Hall, and Henson Hall. Student researchers and the Recycling Staff found that recyclable materials and an abundance of trash bags were entering the waste stream via…

6th Annual SU African American Poetry Read-In

6th Annual SU African American Poetry Read-In

DATE: Wednesday, February 28, 2024 TIME: 6-7:30 p.m. LOCATION: Dr. Ernie Bond Curriculum Resource Center, Conway Hall 226 INFORMATION & REGISTRATION: libraryguides.salisbury.edu/aapoetryreadin When registering, you may choose to attend in person or virtually. Attendees are invited to read (or submit videos beforehand) of their own original poems or works of their favorite African American poets….

Kelso Fellows from SU Share Workforce Development, Employee Ownership Research

SALISBURY, MD—Members of Salisbury University’s Franklin P. Perdue School of Business recently participated in the Mid-Year Fellows Workshop in Honor of Louis O. Kelso, hosted by the Rutgers University School of Management and Labor Relations. The annual event focuses on the study of employee ownership and brings together Employee Ownership Foundation/Louis O. Kelso Fellowship recipients…

SU Adds to AIFS Partnership with Public Health Course in Austria

By SU Public Relations SALISBURY, MD—For more than a quarter-century, SU students have been studying abroad with the American Institute for Foreign Studies (AIFS). After 30 years of partnership, SU has added a new feature to that relationship. Dr. Sherry Maykrantz of SU’s School of Health Sciences in the College of Health and Human Services…