Perdue School of Business Fall 2023 Dean’s List Announced

Franklin P. Perdue School of Business Logo

Salisbury University and the Perdue School of Business are proud to recognize students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement through the Dean’s List. The Dean’s List is compiled and issued each semester by the school deans’ offices. The Dean’s List is composed of matriculated students who have at least 12 semester hours with grades of…Continue Reading Perdue School of Business Fall 2023 Dean’s List Announced

Update to Public Law 117-328, Military Activation

When an enrolled student who is a member of the Armed Forces (including reserve components) receives orders “to perform a period of service” (i.e., active duty, inactive duty training, or state service), Salisbury University, its faculty and staff may not assign the student a failing grade; characterize any military member’s absence as unexcused; or assess…Continue Reading Update to Public Law 117-328, Military Activation


Career Services will be hosting the 2024 Salisbury University/U.M.E.S. Education Job Fair in the Guerrieri Student Union, Wicomico Room on Thursday, March 28th, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m. With OVER 30 education employers seeking to fill full-time positions this is a great opportunity for students to network. During the fair students will have a chance…Continue Reading SU/UMES Education JOB FAIR

Outstanding Research Mentor Award – Deadline Extended

Hello SU faculty, Staff and Students: Faculty and students are invited to nominate faculty mentors who have proven excellent supervisors of student research or creative work at either the undergraduate or graduate level. The award will be given during a ceremony at the Salisbury University Student Research Conference on April 19, 2024. The Outstanding Research…Continue Reading Outstanding Research Mentor Award – Deadline Extended

Guerrieri Student Union Art Space

The Divinity of Color by Daijah Richardson will be on display in the GSU 2nd floor lounge March 4th through April 5th. Daijah Richardson is an artist born and raised in Salisbury, Md. She has always been interested in the visual arts as a child, in a private Christian school where art classes were not…Continue Reading Guerrieri Student Union Art Space

ESRGC Celebrates 20 Years of Service

By SU Public Relations SALISBURY, MD—Salisbury University’s Eastern Shore Regional GIS Cooperative (ESRGC) recently celebrated 20 years of service providing geographic information system (GIS) services and web applications across Maryland and beyond. “I never imagined that our little idea of coming together to bring technical services to the Eastern Shore would grow into the center…Continue Reading ESRGC Celebrates 20 Years of Service

SU Alumni Association Recognizes Eight with 2024 Alumni Awards

By SU Public Relations SALISBURY, MD—Eight lifetime Sea Gulls making major contributions to their communities — in areas including children, education, business, government and more — were lauded during the Salisbury University Alumni Association’s annual awards ceremony. Winners were recognized in four categories: Young Alumni, Service to Society, Alumni Leadership and Lifetime Achievement. Young Alumni…Continue Reading SU Alumni Association Recognizes Eight with 2024 Alumni Awards

SU Alumni Association Presents 2024 Faculty Appreciation Awards

By SU Public Relations SALISBURY, MD—This year’s Salisbury University Alumni Association Faculty Appreciation Award winners were described as “an important mentor,” “the flame that ignited my passion” and “a tireless worker” with a “high level of expectation” who “made a significant, positive, long-lasting impression,” according to their former students. The association honored five with the…Continue Reading SU Alumni Association Presents 2024 Faculty Appreciation Awards