Econ Club

On Thursday and Friday, March 21 and 22, 2024, the Perdue School of Business Economics Club, led by club adviser Professor Silvana Chambers, traveled to Washington, DC, for professional development and networking. We visited the United States Trade Representative (USTR), the Federal Reserve Bank, and the Inter-American Development Bank. In addition, we had two networking and social events with SU economics alumni.

The visit to the Federal Reserve Bank was a unique opportunity for our students. Hosted by Karley McDermott, an SU alum and Acquisition Specialist at the Fed, it provided a glimpse into the Fed’s work environment and opened the door to potential internships/jobs. Students learned how to stand out from other job applicants for internships and entry-level positions at the Fed.

The visit to USTR provided first-hand insights into US trade policies. Dr. Munemo, an economics professor at SU and a Fellow at the USTR, was our host. Our students asked many questions about changes in U.S. trade policy and procedures.

We also visited the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). We learned about the invaluable work done in Economic Development by IDB Lab, the critical role that private sector investments play with the guidance of IDB Invest, possible internships our students could pursue, and so much more!

Our students also had lunch and social events with SU alumni Karley McDermont, Vincent Campana, Rachel Evans, and Cy McNeill. They learned about alums’ post-grad careers in DC in the public and private sectors, including employers like the Department of the Navy, the Investment Company Institute, the Federal Reserve Bank, and Alliant Energy. Students heard first-hand stories about applied economic and policy jobs.

Our students gained invaluable knowledge and experience from this trip, which transcended mere professional development and networking. It was a journey of connecting with like-minded peers and professionals, forging bonds, and creating memories that will endure. Following our insightful site visits, several club members explored the town, taking in its monuments, memorials, cherry blossoms, and even the White House. The Economics Club eagerly anticipates planning our next adventure, slated for November!