The Moving Matters Initiative was developed to provide opportunities for individuals to increase their activity levels in order to improve their overall wellbeing. This year Moving Matters also wants to raise awareness around emotional wellbeing  and decrease the stigma related to mental illness. Join us by signing up for our one or more of events!

The MOVE4WELLNESS CHALLENGE is a fun and easy way to help more people increase their activity levels. The Challenge is self-paced and will last from April 29-May 13, 2024. You can participate no matter where you are located! The Registration deadline is April 28! There will be prizes for those with the most steps and activity by the end of the event!!!

For those who want to move and publicly raise awareness around mental health issues, join us at our walks! The Moving Matters for Mental Health Campus Walk is scheduled to be held on Friday, May 3, 2024 from 2pm-5pm at Salisbury University (The Square). There is also The Moving Matters for Mental Health Community Walkwhich will be held on Saturday, May 11, 2024 from 12pm-4pm at the Salisbury City Park (Rotary Pavilion).

You can sign up for the events here: or by scanning the QR Code in the image. For questions, please reach out to Victoria Venable-Edwards (