Greetings SU Faculty and Staff,

As the Spring ’24 semester winds down and the summer quickly approaches, there are a few simple housekeeping practices you can do in your office to help SU reach our sustainability goals.  If you are leaving for the summer, please perform the following actions:

  1. Service your deskside office mini-trashcans and recycle bins.  Take all trash and recycling to the larger communal trash and recycling bins located in the hallways of the major academic and administrative buildings.
  2. If you have operable windows, close and lock your office windows.
  3. If you have window blinds, close the blinds.
  4. Excluding SU computers, unplug all electronics and appliances in your office.
  5. If you have a mini-fridge in your office, please remove all items, unplug it, and leave the door cracked open to prevent mold build up.
  6. If you have any unwanted, broken, or obsolete personal appliances in your office, such as a coffee maker, microwave, or mini-fridge, please place these items outside your office door with a note saying “recycling” on it by Friday, May 17, 2024.  These items will be collected by SU Facilities Services and properly recycled by the SU Recycling Program.

These simple practices will help SU reduce our energy usage and overall carbon footprint.  This will simultaneously save SU money and lower our contribution to climate change.  The Office of Sustainability is grateful to faculty and staff who are supporting our goals to be a leader in advancing environmental sustainability. Together, we can make a difference. 

Please contact Chris Homeister, Chief Sustainability Officer, at or by phone at 410-546-2496 if you have any questions, comments, or feedback regarding SU’s sustainability goals and initiatives.