CS Major won 2024 Student Entrepreneurship Competition

SALISBURY, MD—Senior computer science major Sean Berndlmaier navigated his way to the top during Salisbury University’s 37th annual  student Entrepreneurship Competitions. His business plan, IndoorNav Pro, earned a $19,125 total prize package. It included the $15,000 Richard A. Bernstein Achievement Award for  Excellence, named in honor of the competition’s founder and sponsored by LWRC International…Continue Reading CS Major won 2024 Student Entrepreneurship Competition

New Student Reflection 2024 – Faculty and Staff Facilitators Needed!

Faculty and staff: Please consider signing up to facilitate a one hour New Student Reflection Discussion on Convocation Day Each fall, the university welcomes new students to campus with the New Student Reflection (NSR) program. NSR, coordinated by PACE and Student Affairs, uses the method of civic reflection to invite students into conversation as they…Continue Reading New Student Reflection 2024 – Faculty and Staff Facilitators Needed!

Faculty Learning Community – Call for Proposals

Center for the advancement of faculty excellence

Faculty Learning Community (FLC) proposals are now being accepted for the upcoming 2024-2025 academic year. Your proposal can be for a cohort-based or topic-based FLC. The proposal should be developed by the prospective FLC facilitator(s) with a budget not to exceed $1,250. Proposal must be submitted by Friday, May 24, 2024. For more information on…Continue Reading Faculty Learning Community – Call for Proposals

Salisbury Bike to Work Day

Hello Sea Gulls, The Office of Sustainability has partnered with the City of Salisbury to promote Salisbury’s official Bike to Work Day scheduled for Friday, May 17th.  Help SU and the City of Salisbury promote sustainability by choosing two wheels (and no motor) instead of four wheels on your commute to campus.  Tell us NOW…Continue Reading Salisbury Bike to Work Day

Two From SU Earn 2024 USM Board of Regents Student Excellence Scholarships

SALISBURY, MD—Two Salisbury University students are among the recipients of this year’s University System of Maryland (USM) Board of Regents Student Excellence Scholarships. Stephora Alberi, a junior computer science major from Salisbury, earned the award in the Outreach and Engagement Category. Bradley Powers, a junior B.F.A. major from Smithsburg, MD, won in the Innovation and…Continue Reading Two From SU Earn 2024 USM Board of Regents Student Excellence Scholarships

ConGRADulations & Toast

Tuesday 5/14, 4:30 - 6:30 p.m. ConGRADulations & Toast, Alumni House

Graduating Seniors are invited to the Alumni House Garden for FREE Burgers, Brews, and a Toast to the Class of 2024. The event is taking place on Tuesday, May 14, from 4:30 p.m.- 6:30 p.m. Seniors will have the chance to invite a faculty or staff member who has impacted their time at SU to…Continue Reading ConGRADulations & Toast

Sammy’s Stash A Secondhand Shop – Student Opportunity

Are you looking for an opportunity that is community and sustainability oriented? Sammy’s Stash, A Secondhand Shop is an appointment-only, free resource available to all SU students and employees to shop for gently used items. It was created in response to students’ essential needs and to reduce the University’s environmental impact. This Strategic Innovation Fund Program supports…Continue Reading Sammy’s Stash A Secondhand Shop – Student Opportunity

Campus Race to Zero Waste National Competition’s Final Results

The Campus Race to Zero Waste (CR2ZW) is an 8-week national competition against other universities to showcase our waste minimization and recycling efforts. CR2ZW is an opportunity to bring the SU community together while generating attention and spreading awareness for zero waste initiatives. SU competed in 3 categories this year, including the Per Capita Classic,…Continue Reading Campus Race to Zero Waste National Competition’s Final Results