To ensure the safety of you and your family during this time, follow these steps:


  • Identify a Safe Space: Choose a secure area on the lower floors, but avoid the basement. Evacuate if instructed by authorities.
  • Avoid Flood Waters: “Turn around, don’t drown” – steer clear of flooded areas.
  • Be Aware of Secondary Risks: Prepare for potential flooding, landslides, and building damage.

Before the Hurricane:

  1. Stay Informed: Keep up with local news and weather reports for hurricane watches and warnings.
  2. Know Your Area: Determine if you live in a hurricane-prone zone and sign up for local alerts.
  3. Understand Warnings:
    • Hurricane Warning: A hurricane is imminent or already occurring. Evacuate if advised.
    • Hurricane Watch: A hurricane is possible. Stay alert for updates.
  4. Prepare Your Property:
    • Trim dead branches and remove dead trees.
    • Secure loose items outside.
    • Protect windows and doors, and relocate electronics and valuables from breakable glass.
  5. Plan for Evacuation: If you’re in a coastal or low-lying area, prepare to move inland or to higher ground.
  6. Assemble an Emergency Kit: Be self-sufficient for at least three days. Include water, food, cash, and a portable radio, as well as items specific to your family’s needs, such as baby supplies, prescriptions, and pet food.
  7. Replenish Supplies: If you’ve used emergency supplies, restock them following local health guidelines.
  8. Add Hygiene Items: Include hand sanitizer and non-medical masks in your kit.

During the Hurricane:

  1. Be Ready to Evacuate: Stay prepared to leave immediately.
  2. Stay Informed: Listen to the latest warnings and advisories through radio, news channels, or social media. Check the Canadian Hurricane Centre website for updates.
  3. Avoid Flood Waters: Do not walk or drive through flooded areas.
  4. Stay Off the Water: Never go out in a boat during a storm. If bad weather approaches while on the water, head for shore immediately.
  5. Follow Evacuation Orders: Avoid flooded roads and washed-out bridges.
  6. Stay Indoors During the Eye of the Storm: If the eye passes over, remain inside as winds will return from the opposite direction after the calm.

After the Hurricane:

  1. Continue Taking Precautions: Follow directions from local authorities and stay informed via radio, news channels, or social media.
  2. Watch for Extended Rainfall and Flooding: Be alert for ongoing risks even after the storm ends.
  3. Avoid Unsafe Areas: Steer clear of damaged regions and fallen power lines. Watch for debris.
  4. Check Water Safety: Do not use potentially contaminated water. Discard any food that may have been affected, including items from refrigerators and freezers.
  5. Wear Protective Clothing: Use long pants, a long-sleeved shirt, and sturdy shoes when cleaning up.
  6. Inspect Your Home: Check walls, doors, staircases, and windows for damage.
  7. Document Damage: Take photos for insurance claims.
  8. Properly Dispose of Damaged Items: Follow local guidelines for disposal.
  9. Seek Support

References: Hurricane Safety – SafetyNow ILT