Mini-Trashcan Office Recycling Program Results

In the Winter of 2023, an Environmental Studies Honors student expressed interest in doing research regarding recycling on campus. The idea of examining waste produced from individual office spaces was then proposed. In the Spring of 2023, waste audits were conducted to examine the impact of office deskside trashcans upon the campus recycling rate in…Continue Reading Mini-Trashcan Office Recycling Program Results

Don’t Cancel That Class!

Are you traveling for a conference? Career Services would love to have the opportunity to work with you and visit your class(es). We can provide a variety of different resources from a brief overview of the office to resume best practices to mock interview preparation and more. If you are willing to have us in…Continue Reading Don’t Cancel That Class!

Bystander Intervention Training, October 29

As a part of Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Life Crisis Center will be hosting a Bystander Intervention training. Learn techniques to become an active bystander and create a safe, respectful community free from sexual and relationship violence. Participation is free. October 29, 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM in Henson Hall 148. You can register here:…Continue Reading Bystander Intervention Training, October 29

Dogwood Village Kids Night

SU Faculty and Staff are invited to bring their families for an evening of games, crafts and traditional trick-or-treating on Wednesday, October 30th from 4-6pm. Our RA staff will lead you through some of the Dogwood Village buildings to visit resident rooms. All candy is pre-packaged and provided by OHRL. Costumes encouraged! Please contact Diana…Continue Reading Dogwood Village Kids Night

Cybersecurity and AI


Cybercriminals are diving into AI to make the world more dangerous for the rest of us. From deepfakes to AI-generated phishing emails at scale, this emerging technology has become a powerful weapon in the arsenals of bad actors around the world. Our Cybersecurity partner, KnowBe4, has an excellent module that showcases the best ways to…Continue Reading Cybersecurity and AI

Celebrate Being First-Gen!

first gen door sign

November 4-8 is First Gen Week at SU, where we celebrate our first-generation Sea Gulls and their success! We also want to recognize how many of SU’s faculty and staff members are themselves the first in their family to graduate from college. If you are a faculty or staff member who considers themselves first-generation and…Continue Reading Celebrate Being First-Gen!