The Scarab is seeking well-crafted poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, and visual art for this year’s edition.

Submissions Close: December 20, 2024
Send submissions to:
In the subject line please include: Genre and Full Name

Submission Requirements

Creative Nonfiction (CNF) Submissions:

  • Pieces must be double spaced
  • 1-3 pieces of CNF for a total of 2,500 words or less

Fiction Submissions:

  • Pieces must be double spaced
  • 1-3 pieces of fiction for a total of 2,500 words or less

Poetry Submissions:

  • Pieces must be single spaced
  • 3-5 poems for a maximum of 7 pages (.doc or .docx)

Visual Art:

  • Up to 10 pieces of visual art of any medium. Send submissions as an attachment (doc, docx, .rtf, jpeg)