Did the holidays bring you a new digital camera and you don’t know what to do with your old one? Do you have an old film camera tucked away in a closet, sitting lonely on a shelf, or hiding in your attic?

Our photography program in the Art department is on the lookout for cameras to help our students embrace the magic of photography. If you’ve got a camera that’s no longer sparking joy (or just sparking confusion), we’d love to give it a new home where it can inspire the next generation of photographers.

If you’re ready to part with your vintage and seemingly out of date photographic treasures, please reach out to Jeanne Anderton jlanderton@salisbury.edu or Cara Lee Wade clwade@salisbury.edu or swing by FH 214. We’ll take care of the rest and ensure your camera becomes a part of our students’ creative journey.

Thank you for considering donating your camera to the arts. Who knows? Your camera might even become a star in a student exhibition!