On Tuesday, January 28th, at 6:30 PM, the film “Who Killed Gandhi” will be screened in TETC, room 156. It will be followed by a Q&A with Dr. Tushar Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi’s great-grandson, and the author of the definitive book, “Let’s Kill Gandhi.”

On Thursday, January 30th at 6 PM,the Bosserman Center will host “An Evening with Gandhi and King Family Membersin theGuerrieri Academic Commons, Fourth Floor Assembly Hall. Dr. Joel King (cousin of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.), Mr. Gregory Foster (cousin of Mrs. Coretta Scott King), and Dr. Tushar Gandhi will participate in a panel discussion that will officially launch the “Season for Nonviolence.”  At the end, there will be plenty of time for Q&A, photo ops, and light refreshments will be served.