Head Over Heels

Head Over Heels

Thursday-Sunday, March 6-9*Fulton Hall, Black Box Theatre, 7:30pm & 2pm*Music & Lyrics by The Go-Go’sConceived by & Original Book by Jeff WhittyAdapted by James MagruderDirected by Blake HarrisMusic Direction by Dr. William M. Folger Embark on a rambunctious journey with Head Over Heels, a hilarious musical fairy tale set to the tunes of the iconic…Continue Reading Head Over Heels

Madden 24 Tournament

Participate and attend various pop-up tournaments hosted by Commuter Connections and Intramural Sports! Individuals can win over $100’s worth of prizes at each tournament, make new friends, and compete to be an IMLegend.Register for free at Involved at SU.https://involved.salisbury.edu/organization/commuterconnections Upcoming Tournament: XBOX: Madden 24-GSU Fireside Lounge Registration: 630 PM Tournament: 7:00 PM…Continue Reading Madden 24 Tournament


FACULTY MINI GRANT 2025 – APPLICATIONS DUE MARCH 3 Applications are now being accepted for Faculty Mini Grants . The Faculty Mini Grant Program, sponsored by Graduate Studies and Research, provides up to $3,000 to encourage faculty to develop research, scholarly, or creative programs that provide the potential for sustained professional development and extramural support….Continue Reading FACULTY MINI GRANTS

Nominations for Graduate Commencement Speaker are now Open!

Grad Students!! We are now accepting applications for the student speaker at Salisbury University’s Spring 2025 graduate commencement ceremony to be held on Wednesday, May 21st at 6pm. May degree candidates with a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher are eligible for consideration.  Nomination materials, which require written responses from both a nominating faculty…Continue Reading Nominations for Graduate Commencement Speaker are now Open!

STEM Job/Internship Fair – Happening on Thursday February 27th hosted by Career Services

The Spring 2025 STEM Job/Internship Fair hosted by Salisbury University Career Services will be held on-campus Thursday February 27th. Our fair connects many companies with SU’s brightest students and alumni pursuing careers in the STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) fields for internships, full-time, & part-time positions. Students of all majors and class levels are encouraged to attend as companies…Continue Reading STEM Job/Internship Fair – Happening on Thursday February 27th hosted by Career Services

Computer Science Student Researchers Present at the annual Posters on the Bay

Congratulations to the following Computer Science student researchers who will present their work to Maryland’s elected representatives at the annual Posters on the Bay event in Annapolis, MD on Tuesday, February 18, 2025. Project Title: Real-Time Recall AppStephora Cesae Alberi, Jordan Pinckney, Jorge Armando Verduzco ZavalaFaculty Mentor: Dr. Xiaohong (Sophie) Wang Project Title: Prairie PatrolJude…Continue Reading Computer Science Student Researchers Present at the annual Posters on the Bay

Congratulations to, Sam Dickerson!

Congratulations to, Sam Dickerson, a junior computer science and English major who is one of the two Salisbury University students have received the U.S. Department of State’s prestigious Benjamin A. Gilman International Scholarship, providing them with opportunities to study abroad to gain or advance proficiency in skills the department deems critical to national security and…Continue Reading Congratulations to, Sam Dickerson!