Salisbury University’s Office of Sustainability is currently accepting applications for an undergraduate internship position for the Summer ’25 semester.  This position is partnered with the Horticulture Department’s Recycling Program.  The selected intern will assist the Office of Sustainability with long term administrative projects as well as assisting the Recycling Program with day-to-day operations on SU’s campus.  Job responsibilities include:

Sustainability Tasks/Responsibilities:

  1. Data collection related to ongoing sustainability initiatives on SU’s campus.
  2. Collaborate with multiple departments on campus to introduce new sustainability initiatives at SU.
  3. Research sustainability topics of personal interest that could be implemented at SU.
  4. Assist with SU Apiary (honeybees) and SU Garden maintenance.
  5. Manage the Office of Sustainability’s social media account.
  6. Assist with Sustainability Tours.
  7. Participate in sustainability-themed education outreach efforts.

Recycling Tasks/Responsibilities:

  1. Assist Recycling Program with recycling pick-ups at various buildings on campus.
  2. Assist with collecting and sorting donated items (clothes, kitchenware, houseware, etc.).
  3. Participate in recycling-themed education outreach efforts.

The internship position is capped at 180 hours maximum for the summer.  Applicants are encouraged (but not required) to enroll in a summer internship course such as ENVR480-701: Internship in Environmental Studies.  The position pays $15/hour.  Applications received before Tuesday, April 1, 2025 will receive first priority.  Interested undergraduates should submit a cover letter and resume to Chris Homeister, Director of Campus Sustainability, at