Dear Faculty and Staff,  

Human Resources is excited to announce that we are hosting employee wellness activities this Spring:
– Lunch and Learn Series
– Walking Groups
– Stretching Sessions  

Raffle: A raffle for program participation is being sponsored by the Advancement Office. Employees will receive a raffle entry each time they participate in a wellness activity. Three raffle winners will be drawn after the close of the Spring semester.

Lunch and Learn Series:
Start time: 12:10 p.m.
Duration: 30 minutes
Location: Devilbiss, Room 323
RSVP here  
RSVP is highly encouraged to ensure there are enough resources available at the presentation.

3/24/2025 – This for That, Easy swaps for Healthier Options – Change doesn’t need to be life changing to benefit your health and happiness. We will talk about small steps with big impact where you want it.

4/28/2025 – Enhance your Sleep: Tips and Tricks (sleep can impact mental and physical health) – Struggling to get the sleep you need to feel refreshed in the morning and have enough energy to get through your busy day? Join us to learn what you can do to get better sleep so you can tackle your day head on!

5/12/2025 – How to Calm the Heat of Inflammation – low grade chronic inflammation lies beneath chronic problems such as anxiety, depression, diabetes and heart disease. Learn what nutrition and lifestyle practices can promote an anti-inflammatory environment. We will look a specific foods and preparation methods which turn on anti-inflammatory pathways.    

Walking Groups on Campus:
Looking for a quick way to get your heart rate up and stay active? We’ve got just the thing! Our campus now offers designated brisk walking routes, each just under one mile, designed to elevate your heart rate in less than 20 minutes.  
When: Every Tuesday and Thursday, March 18 to May 22, meeting at 12pm. 
What: A fun, low-pressure walking session to help you stay healthy and energized! Be sure to wear comfortable walking shoes.

If you’re interested in taking your involvement a step further, consider volunteering as a Group Leader. As a leader, you’ll help guide participants on the route—and for each session you lead, you’ll earn an extra entry into our raffle! It’s a great way to stay motivated and engaged while also encouraging others to be active. Whether you’re walking for health, socializing with others, or leading the way, it’s a great opportunity to add some extra steps to your day!  

Sign-up as a Group Leader for Walking Sessions: 
Leaving Holloway Hall & Fulton area
Leaving Perdue, Henson, GAC area
Leaving Commons Dining Hall & GSU area  

Stretching Sessions with Angie Passeri, UFC Manager:
Let’s take some time to work on basic stretching techniques that can easily be done at your workstation. Sessions will be held each Wednesday from March 5 – April 2.  
Start Time: Sessions begin at 12:10 p.m.
Duration: 30 minutes
Location: GSU, Room 206
RSVP here  
RSVP is highly encouraged to ensure adequate space is available.  

Campus Resources for Employees:
University Fitness Club (UFC) membership:
Membership to the UFC is available to all SU faculty and staff for just $50 for the academic year. (Please see the UFC website for additional details.)  

Maggs Physical Activity Center
Staff have full access during open days for 3 p.m. – 11 p.m. (Pool availability is limited to open swim sessions; student sports teams have first priority.) For additional questions, please contact Edie Hooke at
– Equipment Checkout
– Strength Room
– Fitness Room
– Main Gym
– Auxiliary Gym
– Climbing Wall (by sign-up only)

Please feel free to reach out to the Human Resources Office with any questions on the above events at or by calling 410-543-6035. We look forward to seeing many of you participating in wellness activities this Spring!     

Thank you,  
Office of Human Resources
Salisbury University