SU Phishing Scam

Phishing is defined as “the fraudulent practice of sending emails or other messages purporting to be from reputable companies in order to induce individuals to reveal personal information, such as passwords and credit card numbers”. The fact is that phishing affects everyone—faculty, staff, and students. The Office of Information Technology wants to share some tips on how to protect yourself when receiving phishing emails.

Think Before You Click: Always check the sender’s email and look for the caution message at the top of the email that makes you aware that the sender is outside of Salisbury University. Be suspicious of surprise requests for personal info or any “urgent” messages. Do not click links in emails if the sender cannot be verified.

Double-Check Requests: If someone asks for your personal information or to take action, find a way to verify the requestor and the request. .

Strong Passwords: Make your passwords long and unique for each account.

Update Devices: Keep your software, browsers, and security tools up to date on your own devices (computers, tablets, cell phones, etc.)

Report It: Be ready to report any suspected phishing emails using the Phish Reporter Button within Outlook. Reporting a phishing attempt can save others from getting scammed.

Attackers will attempt to gain private data such as account credentials, bank account numbers, personally identifiable information (such as Social Security numbers), or any other information that could prove to be valuable to the attacker.