Faculty Training Plan and Resources

Workday is live for both Human Capital Management (HCM) and Finance (FIN). As part of our ongoing commitment to support faculty during this transition, we have developed a comprehensive faculty training plan. This plan includes key dates for the launch of supplemental training and the availability of learning labs. The transition to Workday will improve various processes, providing faculty with efficient tools for self-service tasks and managing their responsibilities related to HCM and FIN.

Faculty will be handling tasks like requesting time off, entering spend authorizations for travel pre-approval, creating expense reports and will need to enter or update contact information, emergency contacts, and preferred name. If you have any direct reports, you may also need to approve items. Training will cover much of this content in Faculty Instructor Led Trainings that started earlier this week. Monitor your SU email for more details on these trainings from MDConnect.

Key Dates for Faculty Supplemental Workday Training