Hometown: Ocean City Maryland

Major: Management

Fun fact about me: I can solve a rubix cube within 2 minutes.

Name of internship host/employer and location: Human Resources for the City of Salisbury

When: Summer of 2024

How I found it: I was made aware of the opportunity by a professor.

My role and duties: I helped the HR department with their daily tasks such as interviews, onboarding, performance evaluations, benefits fairs, employee involvement, training, recruitment, and so much more.

Why this particular internship or organization: I applied to a few different organizations, but the City of Salisbury seemed to be the most welcoming and exciting opportunity.

Favorite part: The best part of my experience was learning so much about the various parts of HR. I spent the majority of my internship doing benefits, but I got plenty of time conducting administrative responsibilities, learning about workers compensation and training and development.

How this experience has helped me:  My internship helped me realize the aspects of HR that I did and did not enjoy. Now I know that benefits aren’t the career path for me but training and development is something I would enjoy pursuing.

What’s next: I am currently finishing my senior year at SU and will be looking for HR related careers when I graduate.

Advice for other students: Get as involved as possible with the organization that you’re interning for. The more networking and learning you do throughout the internship can open many doors for your future.

Kudos to PSB for Dr. Donaway. She made my internship experience amazing. She was always willing to help and guide her students and overall made the internship much less stressful. I wouldn’t have had as great of a semester without her!