Library scholarship 2024 with roses around the border

The SU Libraries celebrate the scholarly endeavors of our librarians, who have showcased their expertise in information literacy, alternative publishing models, and technological advances throughout the year. Our librarians demonstrate the pivotal role libraries play in advancing knowledge, fostering inclusivity, and shaping the future of scholarship. Congratulations and well done to the following librarians for their 2024 intellectual contributions!


Erin Weber coauthored “An Interdisciplinary Assessment of Information Literacy Instruction”, Journal of Academic Librarianship

Emily Zerrenner authored “What Does that Button Do? How Instructors can Foster Curiosity and Inquiry in Digital Literacy”, New Directions for Teaching and Learning


James Parrigin participated in “Conversations on Activating Our Intelligence” panel, Maryland Tech Connect

Elizabeth Workman participated in “Behind the Scenes – LIS Job Searches” online panel, University of Illinois

Emily Zerrenner participated in “Tips for Landing a Job After Library School” panel, The Academic Libraries Panel Series

American Society for Environmental History Conference

Creston Long presented the paper “Here are Vast Quantities of Timber for Shipping, Trade and Architecture: Political Ecologies of the Colonial Chesapeake”

Innovative Library Classroom

Tina Plottel presented “Zine Dreams: Reimagining Self-Publishing Workshops as Information Literacy”

Maryland Library Association Annual Conference

Natasha Finnegan presented “Librarians Teaching Everyday Ethics” poster

Nicole Kulp presented “Pruning Savvy: Thriving with Serials and Electronic Resources Despite Budget Cuts” poster

James Parrigin presented “Implementing Teaching Triads” poster

San Jose State University iSchool ALA Conference

Natasha Finnegan presented “Librarians Teaching Everyday Ethics” poster

SU Presentations

Katie Delezenski presented “Open Educational Resources and Open Access Publishing” breakout session at the School of Social Work’s Spring Semester Opening Meeting.

Katie Delezenski presented “OER and OA for Practicing Social Workers” at a Lunch & Learn for Field Supervisors sponsored by SU’s School of Social Work

Emily Zerrenner and Erin Weber presented “Cycles of Change: Addressing Period Poverty” at the SU Women’s Forum

USMAI Presentations

Katie Delezenski copresented at the USMAI Primo VE Configuration Forum

Nicole Kulp presented “EBSCO/ALMA Integration”, Alma Configuration Together

Jennifer Martin provided Alma Cataloging and Metadata training for USMAI staff