Spring 2023 Dean’s List

Salisbury University and the Perdue School of Business are proud to recognize students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement through the Dean’s List. The Dean’s List is compiled and issued each semester by the school deans’ offices. The Dean’s List is composed of matriculated students who have at least 12 semester hours with grades of…Continue Reading Spring 2023 Dean’s List

SU Alumni Homecoming and Family Weekend October 23-29

Alumni Homecoming Football Game

SALISBURY, MD—Sea Gull nation celebrates all things maroon and gold during Alumni Homecoming and Family Weekend at Salisbury University. Activities take place Monday-Sunday, October 23-29. Spirit in the Square events throughout the week lead up to the weekend’s festivities. Weekend activities are highlighted by the 50-year reunion lunch celebrating the Class of 1973 11 a.m….Continue Reading SU Alumni Homecoming and Family Weekend October 23-29

Sea Gull Century Happening this Saturday, October 14, 2023

Salisbury University has issued a traffic advisory for Saturday, October 14, as some 3,500 cyclists are expected to participate in the 35th Sea Gull Century bike ride. Heavy bicycle traffic is expected from 6-10 a.m. especially on Route 13, Milford Street and South Division Street. Cyclists will begin the ride in multiple heats from 7-9:30…Continue Reading Sea Gull Century Happening this Saturday, October 14, 2023


Take 5 with the Counseling Center in The Square on October 11th from 12:30 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. to explore mindfulness through the five senses!  Taste: Make your own trail mix or to-go s’mores pack. Touch: Relax with Zen gardens, pet friendly pups from Pets on Wheels, and make your own stress ball. Sight: Express yourself through chalking, coloring…Continue Reading TAKE 5

Employer Information Zoom Sessions

There are various Employer Information Zoom Sessions hosted by Career Services this fall and they are listed below. These are 1-hour information sessions with employers via zoom. You can discuss anything career-related you want. You can ask about jobs and internships, salary, career paths, etc. This is a great opportunity to find out about a…Continue Reading Employer Information Zoom Sessions

Applications Accepted for Fall 2024 M.B.A. Program

Master of Business Administration

Applications are now being accepted for admission to our M.B.A. program. We currently offer two delivery formats, hybrid (in classroom and online) and online (100% online). Apply now. Our innovative M.B.A. integrates ERP technology into several of the classes, allowing students the opportunity to navigate through SAP and helping them to attain cutting-edge software skills. Students can choose the accelerated…Continue Reading Applications Accepted for Fall 2024 M.B.A. Program

Call for Clients – Put Our M.B.A. Students to Work for Your Organization

The M.B.A. Program in the Franklin P. Perdue School of Business at Salisbury University (Salisbury, MD) includes a project consulting course, which M.B.A. students take in their final semester after having completed all of their coursework. This course is typically taught in two formats, in the classroom and online, allowing us to invite organizations to…Continue Reading Call for Clients – Put Our M.B.A. Students to Work for Your Organization