SU ANNOUNCEMENTS (You are currently viewing student announcements)
Career Services New Hire Announcement
Dear Campus Community, It is my pleasure to announced that Dr. Kim Fabbri-Greener has been appointed to serve as director of career services at Salisbury University. Dr. Fabbri-Greener has more than 15 years of professional experience in higher education, civic engagement and non-profit leadership. She most recently served as associate director of the University of…Continue…
Fire Alarm and Sprinkler System Testing
The Department of Physical Plant would like to advise the campus of the following: Salisbury University Physical Plant will conduct the annual testing of fire alarm and sprinkler systems in some campus buildings beginning Tuesday, August 15, 2023 at 7:00 a.m. These tests will include both audible alarms and flashing strobes. In most cases, the…Continue…
SU Global Tech Experience Course
Hi Sea Gulls! Getting the job or internship you want requires experience. But getting that experience while you’re a student can be challenging and stressful. This is why the Fulton School of Liberal Arts is thrilled to announce the Salisbury Global Tech Experience: a for-credit program that gives you real-world skills and experience to help you…Continue…
Campus – Tornado Watch
SALISBURY, MD—The National Weather Service (NWS) has issued a tornado watch for Wicomico County and surrounding areas until 9 p.m. Monday, August 7. A tornado watch means conditions are favorable for the development of severe storms capable of producing tornadoes. Residents should be prepared to take shelter immediately if they see dark, rotating clouds during…Continue…
Tonight, Aug 7, 7 pm is the last Study Abroad Summer Information Night
SUMMER INFORMATION NIGHTSStudy Abroad and Study Away Tuesday, June 27Thursday, July 6Wednesday, July 19Monday, August 7 Zoom | 7 p.m. Tune in to any one of FOUR summer Study Abroad and Study Away Summer Information Nights. Learn more about study abroad and study away (which is like study abroad only in cool places inside the U.S.A.) opportunities…Continue…
Vice President of Administration and Finance Search: Open Campus Session FRIDAY
Dear Campus Community, Please allow this to serve as a reminder of the open campus session on Friday, August 4th, for a finalist of the Vice President of Administration and Finance position. The session will take place from 2:15-3:15 p.m. in Perdue Hall, Room 156. The resume of Friday’s finalist can be viewed at the following secure link: – CV.pdf Finalists will be asked to do a presentation on “Innovation…Continue…
URPL 308 (Principles of Planning)
URPL 308: PRINCIPLES OF PLANNING. Explains city problems & potential solutions through: Smart Growth, Land Use Planning, Environmental Planning, Transportation Planning, Community Development, Economic Development Planning, & International Development Planning…Continue Reading URPL 308 (Principles of Planning)
Maggs Weight Room & Aux Gym: Closed 7/10/23
Hello, This post is to inform the campus community that both the Weight Room and Aux. Gym within Maggs PAC are closed again today due to extreme temperatures over 92 degrees. The closure of these spaces is to ensure the safety of all university patrons accessing the facility. We encourage the use of the University…Continue…