Open Educational Resources (OER)

Open Educational Resources

Join the Open Educational Resources FLC to meet with faculty and participate in multi-disciplinary, cross-departmental conversations to explore, create, collaborate, and implement the use of open educational resources for your courses. With two flexible tracks planned for this FLC, faculty who are novices with OER and faculty with a more intermediate understanding will be given…Continue Reading Open Educational Resources (OER)

Salisbury Hub for OER Commons

Have you created Open Educational Resources (OER) or adopted/adapted existing OER you find useful? We want to know about it; share your course materials on the Salisbury Hub of the  M.O.S.T. Commons! There are two ways to share OER on the M.O.S.T. Commons, you can register for an account and click on the option to…Continue Reading Salisbury Hub for OER Commons

Call for Proposals for OER Faculty Grants

Maryland open source textbook initiative

The Maryland Open Source Textbook (MOST) initiative is seeking proposals for its Faculty OER Grant Program, which supports faculty efforts to increase access, affordability, and achievement for students at Maryland’s post-secondary institutions through the incorporation of open educational resources (OER) into teaching practice. Available grants in 2024 include: Deadline Extended! All proposals must be submitted by…Continue Reading Call for Proposals for OER Faculty Grants