Dr. Tom Calo to Retire

Tom Calo

Tom Calo joined the Management and Marketing Department at the Perdue School of Business in 2005 after teaching many semesters for us as an Adjunct Professor. When Tom joined our faculty, he brought his extensive Human Resource Management experience from the banking, education, and public employment sectors. Tom taught our undergraduate Human Resource Management and…Continue Reading Dr. Tom Calo to Retire

SBDC Success Story

Ms. Alicia Boyd, owner of Humble Hearts Catering & Events, exemplifies the resilience and adaptability every small business owner aspires to. When faced with transition, leaving her the sole owner of the business, Alicia could have let the setback deter her. Instead, she reached out to the Maryland Small Business Development Center (SBDC) to help chart…Continue Reading SBDC Success Story

In the Spotlight: Perdue News November 2023

Dr. Jill Caviglia-Harris and her collaborators were recently awarded two grants totaling approximately $600,000 from the National Science Foundation and the CSWEP-SSRC Women in Economics and Mathematics Research Consortium for the project “Diversifying Economics in the Undergraduate Classroom: Plug and Play Video Modules with Diverse Role Models, Relevant Research, and Active Learning.” This project aims…Continue Reading In the Spotlight: Perdue News November 2023

Youth Innovation Academy 2023

The Dave and Patsy Rommel Center for Entrepreneurship hosted a dynamic and inspiring event this summer – the Youth Innovation Academy (YIA). Held as a component of the Salisbury University Summer Enrichment Academies, the YIA brought together 11 enthusiastic students ranging from grades 6 to 12. During this engaging week-long initiative, the participants embarked on…Continue Reading Youth Innovation Academy 2023

Meet the 2023-2024 Perdue School of Business Student Business Leaders

Perdue School of Business Student Business Leaders

Our Student Business Leaders (SBL) mission is to create stronger connections between students and the Perdue School of Business by acting as a resource for the students, faculty, and community. To read more about our Student Business Leaders visit our website. Isabella Casey Major: Finance Minor: Information Systems I am a junior and hometown is…Continue Reading Meet the 2023-2024 Perdue School of Business Student Business Leaders

Spring 2023 Dean’s List

Salisbury University and the Perdue School of Business are proud to recognize students who have demonstrated outstanding academic achievement through the Dean’s List. The Dean’s List is compiled and issued each semester by the school deans’ offices. The Dean’s List is composed of matriculated students who have at least 12 semester hours with grades of…Continue Reading Spring 2023 Dean’s List

Applications Accepted for Fall 2024 M.B.A. Program

Master of Business Administration

Applications are now being accepted for admission to our M.B.A. program. We currently offer two delivery formats, hybrid (in classroom and online) and online (100% online). Apply now. Our innovative M.B.A. integrates ERP technology into several of the classes, allowing students the opportunity to navigate through SAP and helping them to attain cutting-edge software skills. Students can choose the accelerated…Continue Reading Applications Accepted for Fall 2024 M.B.A. Program