BIOL 105-010 Spring 2024 – History of Zoological Connections

Put you in the zoo!  Looking for a different gen ed for the spring – then BIOL 105-010 The History of Zoological Institutions could be for you!  The course is a three credit non-lab Gen Ed IVB course.  Zoos have changed their mission and focus to include conservation, education, and research. This course will look at the…

Looking for a fun Winter Term (January 2024) Course?

BIOL 105-720 Biology and Society: From Vanilla Beans to Peppercorns: The Environmental Impact of the Search for Flavor The course is completely on-line. (no in person, no zooming) The class is a GenEd IV B non-lab science worth three credits.  The class is divided into three parts – history of the spice trade, case studies on…

State Benefits Health Fair on Campus | October 30

Dear Faculty and Staff,   As a reminder, Open Enrollment is now underway.  We are very pleased to inform you that Salisbury University will be hosting a Regional Health Fair through the State of Maryland Employee Benefits Division.  A limited number of locations were selected to host on-site health benefits fairs this year.  We are…

Black Alumni Association of SU Builds Network, Adds to Alumni Homecoming Traditions

SALISBURY, MD—Members of the Salisbury University community attending Alumni Homecoming and Family Weekend each year know they can count on certain things: reunions, family-friendly activities, and athletics events that — more often than not — end with a Sea Gull win. Beginning this year, the Black Alumni Association of SU (BAASU) plans to add to…

Maybe This Time… A Night of Musical Theatre

Maybe This Time poster

Friday-Sunday, November 10-12* Fulton Hall, Black Box Theatre, 7:30 pm and *2pm Join us for an unforgettable evening of show-stopping tunes and incredible talent as the students of the Musical Theatre Workshop take the stage. From beloved classics to contemporary hits, this musical theatre showcase has it all. Be prepared to tap your feet and…

SU Dance Company Fall Student Showcase

SU Dance Company

SU Dance Company Fall Student Showcase Friday-Sunday, November 3-5* Fulton Hall, Black Box Theatre, 7:30 pm & *2pm The concert, directed by Helen Myers, features a delightful mix of dances choreographed by SU students. Ticket link:…

In the Spotlight: Perdue News November 2023

Dr. Jill Caviglia-Harris and her collaborators were recently awarded two grants totaling approximately $600,000 from the National Science Foundation and the CSWEP-SSRC Women in Economics and Mathematics Research Consortium for the project “Diversifying Economics in the Undergraduate Classroom: Plug and Play Video Modules with Diverse Role Models, Relevant Research, and Active Learning.” This project aims…

Youth Innovation Academy 2023

The Dave and Patsy Rommel Center for Entrepreneurship hosted a dynamic and inspiring event this summer – the Youth Innovation Academy (YIA). Held as a component of the Salisbury University Summer Enrichment Academies, the YIA brought together 11 enthusiastic students ranging from grades 6 to 12. During this engaging week-long initiative, the participants embarked on…

Meet the 2023-2024 Perdue School of Business Student Business Leaders

Perdue School of Business Student Business Leaders

Our Student Business Leaders (SBL) mission is to create stronger connections between students and the Perdue School of Business by acting as a resource for the students, faculty, and community. To read more about our Student Business Leaders visit our website. Isabella Casey Major: Finance Minor: Information Systems I am a junior and hometown is…